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نلتقي اليوم بتعريب برنامج ImageConverter لتحويل الصور من صيغه الي اخري

يمكن مع هذا البرنامج تدوير الصوره
تغير صيغ الصور

الموبيلات المتاحه



These APIs include important classes, such as CBitmapRotator and CBitmapScaler to be used for rotating and scaling images, respectively. CImageEncoder and CImageDecoder classes are used to access image encoders and decoders available in the ICL. With this example an image can be opened either from the device memory or a memory card (if present). Once opened, the image can be rotated, scaled, and saved in the same or a different format (for example, a JPG image can be converted into a GIF image). The UI of the updated application has been optimized for touch. For example, long taps and tactile feedback are supported. The example project supports building for both S60 5th Edition with touch UI and S60 3rd Edition with a traditional keypad. Important classes: CAknLongTapDetector, MTouchFeedback, CBitmapRotator, CBitmapScaler, CImageEncoder, CImageDecoder, CFbsBitmap, CAknQueryDialog.

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